This deeply affecting documentary follows a small number of Israelis and Gazans through the most dramatic and tragic year of their lives. Using personal and previously unseen footage, it tells the story of the war in Gaza and the October 7 attacks through deeply emotional stories from both sides of the conflict. In Gaza, the film follows three individuals from reaction to the October 7th attacks to the start of the bombing by the Israeli military and to the loss of family members that all three suffer. In Israel, we witness footage of the Israeli characters, as they and their family members are attacked by Hamas on October 7th and then follow their stories through the year.
Israel and Gaza: Into the Abyss
Survivors recount the impact of the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israelis and Palestinians during ongoing Gaza bombardments. Hear firsthand stories and view raw footage of the devastating events. Uncover the true experiences of those affected by the violence. Stop.