Furry Nights background

Furry Nights

A group of teenagers' ill-fated excursion into the woods leads to a shocking encounter with a community of Furries, culminating in a devastating incident sparked by a mistaken identity. The Furries, fueled by their leader Mr. Fox's ruthless ambition, unleash a violent attack on the unsu...

In this thrilling horror film, a group of teenagers' ill-fated trip to the woods turns deadly when they mistakenly identify a Furry as a real animal, sparking a tragic event. The Furries, fueled by anger and a desire for revenge, led by the ruthless Mr. Fox, unleash a brutal attack on the teens. Will they be able to overcome the odds and survive the Furries' wrath?

Info about Furry Nights

Studio(s): Cyfuno Ventures, Unplugged Films

Originally Released: United States, Oct 12, 2016

Production Country: United States

Budget: $15,000.00
