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Fall Down Dead

In the midst of a chaotic American metropolis, a notorious serial killer known as The Picasso Killer is wreaking havoc, leaving the police baffled in their pursuit of justice. Amidst the chaos, a determined bartender, Christie Wallace, longs to escape to a peaceful rural life with her six-year-ol...

The Picasso Killer is terrorizing a major American city, leaving the police department stumped. Bartender Christie Wallace yearns to escape the violence with her 6-year-old daughter Zoe to the countryside. On Christmas Eve, Christie witnesses a woman being murdered in an alley and is chased by the killer. She seeks refuge in a commercial building, but the night watchman refuses to let her in. Christie calls the police, but a blackout and dead phones hinder their response. Detectives Stefan Kerchek and Lawrence Kellog arrive, only to find themselves trapped and facing off against the killer.

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Info about Fall Down Dead

Studio(s): Highland Myst Entertainment, New Films International

Originally Released: United States, Jul 20, 2007

Production Country: United States

Budget: $1,000,000.00

Genres:Horror, Thriller

Fall Down Dead: Where to Watch Online in Australia?

Currently you are able to watch "Fall Down Dead" for free with ads on Tubi TV.