In this thrilling movie, a cunning con man named Leo is targeted by a sadistic criminal named Bruno, who wants to eliminate him. Meanwhile, Leo and his clever wife Lily are plotting something, and Julius, who has hired Leo to kill his wife Gloria, reveals that she's not actually his wife, using blackmail as leverage. Leo's bookie Troy is also closing in, demanding payment. As the plot thickens, Leo must navigate a complex web of scams and deceit, avoiding Bruno's henchman Moose and trying to outsmart Lily, who may be playing him as much as he is playing her.
Leo Garfield, a notorious conman, finds himself in a precarious situation after agreeing to assassinate Julius Harvey's supposed wife, Gloria. Meanwhile, his wife Lily's past comes back to haunt her when her former lover Elmo reappears, stirring up unresolved emotions from a botched hei...