In this thriller, Barry Thomas's mundane office life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes smitten with coworker Lisa Fredericks. But his romance is short-lived, as he witnesses her brutal murder. Consumed by grief and despair, Barry seeks solace in a bar, only to find himself stuck in a bizarre time loop. Every day, the clock resets to 12:01 am, and Barry relives the same 24 hours, reliving the same moments, including the murder. As the only person aware of this phenomenon, Barry must find a way to prevent the tragedy from unfolding, or risk being trapped in this endless cycle forever.
A romantic thriller about a man who becomes smitten with his coworker, only to witness her brutal murder. As he tries to process the trauma, he finds himself reliving the same day over and over, with each loop giving him a chance to alter the course of events and try to save her life.