Based on car combat encompassing a series of films and other media centered on a reality show set in a prison, where inmates race against each other in order to win their freedom.
Watch Death Race
In a dystopian future, a former convict is coerced into participating in a deadly high-stakes racing competition, where prisoners must engage in ruthless combat to emerge victorious.
Watch Death Race 2
The origin story of Carl "Luke" Lucas, the pioneering "Frankenstein" car driver who met a tragic end in a racing accident, is brought to the forefront in this film.
Watch Death Race 3: Inferno
In the high-stakes world of prison yard demolition derby, Carl Lucas, also known as Frankenstein, is a celebrated driver on the brink of achieving freedom for himself and his team with just one more victory.
Watch Death Race 4: Beyond Anarchy
In a post-apocalyptic United States, the Weyland Corporation has constructed a massive and impenetrable prison-city, known as the Sprawl, which holds over 400,000 inmates.