American Guinea Pig Collection
A chilling thriller unfolds as two women are kidnapped by a sinister group of filmmakers, plunging them into a world of unrelenting terror, graphic violence, and unbridled chaos, guaranteeing a viewing experience that will leave audiences stunned and speechless.
A prisoner is subjected to horrific experiments by a sadistic doctor, who seeks to extract valuable chemicals from his body. As the man struggles to survive, he forms a bond with a fellow captive, a woman who becomes his only source of comfort in a desperate fight for life.
A desperate bid to rescue a innocent soul from the clutches of demonic possession unfolds as the Catholic Church sends a series of devout priests to confront the malevolent force.
A young man, Daniel, becomes obsessed with self-mutilation and seeks guidance from the goddess Ishtar, initiating a dark and tortuous conversation that may lead to his enlightenment.