A series of films that revolve around people struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by blind extraterrestrial creatures with an acute sense of hearing.
Watch A Quiet Place
In a desolate world where humanity has been decimated by creatures sensitive to sound but blind to sight, a family must rely on sign language to navigate the treacherous landscape and fight for their very survival.
Watch A Quiet Place Part II
The Abbott family, having survived the initial horror at home, must now confront the dangers of the outside world. As they venture further away from their familiar surroundings, they discover that the creatures that stalk their prey by sound are not the only threats they'll face beyond the safety of their sand-covered path.
Watch A Quiet Place: Day One
In the midst of a catastrophic invasion, a woman named Sam is forced to navigate the treacherous streets of New York City, evading deadly alien creatures with acute auditory senses.